Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Aboveground Carbon Turnover Time * Tier: 1 * Data Vintage: 09/2021 * Unit Of Measure: Years * Metric Definition and Relevance:The average lifetime of aboveground live and dead carbon in years. Locations where the lifetime or turnover time is longer have more carbon in more stable pools, such as large trees or large coarse woody debris. Locations where the lifetime or turnover time is shorter have more carbon in labile pools, such as live or dead leaves. * Creation Method: Calculated from the ratio of total aboveground carbon and annual decomposition. Aboveground carbon and annual decomposition are both calculated for 2021 from a Landsat-driven pools and fluxes model, as described for the total aboveground carbon product. Aboveground turnover time does not currently account for carbon losses and removals with combustion or harvest. * Credits: CECS;