Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Groundwater Basin Boundaries * Tier: 3 * Data Vintage: 02/2022 * Unit Of Measure: Binary * Represent element and pillar: No * Type and distribution of data: Binomial distribution representing continuous values. Raw values range from 1 to 1. * Translation: Where are groundwater basin boundaries the highest? * Translation method and outcome: Raw data values translated to range from +1 to -1 representing more favorable to less favorable conditions, respectively. **** The proposition of more favorable is based on the objective of high presence of groundwater basins (positive linear slope). More favorable (translated to +1) set at 1, and less favorable (translated to -1) set at < 0\. Figure . Histogram and scoring of groundwater basin boundaries in Southern California. Figure . Histogram of translated groundwater basin boundaries in Southern California. Figure . Maps displaying raw metric and translated metric groundwater basin boundaries in Southern California. * Metric Definition and Relevance: This dataset shows the boundaries of groundwater basins and subbasins as defined by the California Department of Water Resources as last modified by the Basin Boundary Emergency Regulation adopted on October 21, 2015 and subsequent modifications requested through the Basin Boundary Modification Request Process. * Credits: California Department of Water Resources