Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Shrub Resiliency, Number of Disturbance Events per 15 Year Interval since 1975 * Tier: 2 * Data Vintage: 2019 * Unit Of Measure: A count metric indicating the number of times each site (at the pixel level) met a threshold of a 15-year fire-return interval from 1950 to 2019. * Represent element and pillar: No * Type and distribution of data: Zero-inflated, right skewed distribution representing count values. Raw data values range from 0 to 9. * Translation: Where are the number of disturbance events low? * Translation method and outcome: Raw data values translated to range from +1 to -1 representing more favorable to less favorable conditions, respectively. **** The proposition of more favorable is based on the objective of number of disturbance events per 15 year interval being lower (negative linear slope). More favorable (translated to +1) and less favorable (translated to -1) are based on climate and vegetation regions (Table 5). Figure . Histogram and scoring of shrub resiliency, number of disturbance events per 15 year interval since 1975, in Southern California Figure . Histogram of translated shrub resiliency, number of disturbance events per 15 year interval since 1975, in Southern California Figure . Maps displaying raw metric and translated metric shrub resiliency, number of disturbance events per 15 year interval since 1975, in Southern California * Metric Definition and Relevance: Count of short return interval fires (within 15 years) across southern CA (1950-2019) that can be used to identify sites that have experienced frequent fire (e.g. more than one fire within a 15 year period) that could lead to vegetation-type conversion. * Credits: San Diego State University CWC Project Team \--San Diego State University’s Connecting Wildlands and Communities Project Team